2011 Diaries
I am pleased to announce that we have another new Cambridgeshire Community Archive Group (CCAN). The beautiful village of Elton in the very far north west of Cambs has joined our brilliant community archives network. They have a very good village society and have a wonderful heritage project on the go, with exciting events such as their very own ‘Big Dig’ and the involvement of the whole community and village school is something to be admired, I had a lovely visit to see them and was made very welcome. I am really looking forward to seeing the Elton CCAN group additions to the CCAN website. CCAN is Cambridgeshire’s online community archive, a place to see old pictures, photos, written and recorded memories, pod-casts and video clips along with living history, as groups record their activities from today for the history of tomorrow.
My granny (Connie Toller - nee Broom) talking about her first school in Russell Street, Cambridge c.1918 onwards - recorded in 2010
As written by my aunt Val Burroughs ( nee Toller ) March 2005.
School When I was 4 years old I started at Richmond Road school [Cambridge]. The building was partly a school- partly a church, St Augustines. Sliding doors concealed the church part and the stacks of chairs. Miss Chandler was the dearly loved and respected Headmistress; Miss North was the Infant teacher. They ran the school between them, helped by a monitress, young teen-age girls and the lady cleaner, care-taker and general assistant Mrs Mansfield. When we arrived in the morning, Mrs Mansfield would help you hang up your coat; she always seemed to be avalible to wash hands or knees, to deal with grazes, fasten shoes and cheer you on with her cheerful smile or grin. She wore a cross-over apron and I think had a few missing teeth that was obvious when she grinned at you. I remember her holding up the school pet rabbit, by its ears, unfortunately, as climax of a poem we recited at the concert, " There once was a rabbit, developed the habit of twitching its nose". At Christmas one year each child was asked to take a toy to contribute to a collection that was set out on the 'stage' a small platform at one end of the infant room. Then one, by one, Miss Chandler sent us to go and choose a different toy to keep for ourselves. I was too shy to search for one I really fancied, I grabbed the nearest item, a worn tennis ball and took it home. I remember my mother saying " You've got balls already, why didn't you choose something nice?" On May Day, we would celebrate in Mrs Golding's garden which was at the corner of West Road on Huntingdon Road. A cripple girl in my class was the May Queen. We all wore pretty clothes and bonnets and danced around the Maypole, sang songs like " Oh dear little buttercup, sweet little buttercup, bloom round the throne of our queen." We carried flowers and decorated the throne. Sometimes we would go to play in the hay in Miss Salters land at the corner bend in Storey's Way. Miss Chandler would lead us all in a crocodile down to Mrs Salters. I remember our parents taking us home after an event at Mrs Salters and, one boy messed his trousers on the walk back. a soldier dad in uniform helped him out by wiping his legs with long grass plucked from the road-side! Val Burroughs As written by my aunt Val Burroughs ( nee Toller ) March 2005.
Toys, Games and Occupations. As my mother was into toys herself, she would be on the look out for any toy that she could obtain second-hand. She was delighted with a pedal-car she found in a second-hand shop in Bridge Street [Cambridge] and we would visit Shrives the toy shop near Christ's Lane and Eaden Lilly's basement toy shop. I remember going with my mother to an art shop in Trinity Street and buying watercolours in the four primary colours. Coloured pencils were restricted to those four colours. After the war I remember being just thrilled to have a wider range of colours. A girl in my class at Cambridge High School for Girls arrived at school with a packet of about a dozen coloured pencils and we all clamored around her asking where she'd obtained them. She told us a shop in Newmarket ( Woolworths I think ). Then Derwent pencils came out in Heffers and my friends and I used to go there each Saturday to choose another colour to add to our collection at 9 pence per pencil, which was quite expensive. My mother used to take us to a shop at the corner of Bermuda Terrace to buy colouring books or magic painting books. My uncles used to make me toys like dolls houses, monkeys or clown acrobats that swung between two sticks you had to squeeze; a balancing parrot. We used to spend our time on the allotments- so many of my memories are of playing there and on the local Rec. in Richmond Road, where there were swings, a long rocking horse with a row of seats behind the horse's head and a really long swing with handles all along for several seated children- an older child would stand each end to keep the swing momentum going. Miss. Chandler used to take us onto the rec' sometimes towards the end of the school day. Then we would gather by a tree for the final afternoon prayer before being collected by our parents. Mum went to Belfast for three weeks holiday to spend time with dad who was a Sergeant in the Army. When she came home she brought a baby doll for my sister and a white fur dog with lead weighted feet. My auntie used to knit dolls clothes for us.We decorated twigs with sealing wax-"blossom". When my dad was due to come home on leave I remember drawing a picture of him in his uniform using the 'khaki' chalk. When I'd been to the dentist in Newnham, mum took me to the toy shop there and brought me an orange pop-gun. The same shop sold us a toy sewing machine on another occasion. It did chain-stitch. I remember tracing outline pictures from the newspaper using toilet paper as tracing paper as it was smooth, shiny and transparent. Val Burroughs ( nee Toller ) As written by my aunt Val Burroughs ( nee Toller ) March 2005.
Food and Clothing My uncle Bill had allotments where he kept pigs and poultry ( chickens and turkeys ). We therefore had veg and eggs. Chickens was a treat. Sometimes Uncle Bill would kill a hen that had stopped laying and it was cooked in a saucepan as a "broiler". We brought rationed fish from the MacFisheries and rationed meat from Roses the butcher in Petty Cury [Cambridge]. At Richmond Road School, I was one of the children who was selected to recive cod liver oil of malt, administered daily by the spoonful to each child as we queued. A crateful of small bottles of milk stood warming in the hearth in Miss Chandlers classroom. At the end of the war we relished the idea of fruits we hadn't had before, like bananas. At our Victory party in Richmond Road we were given ice-cream for the first time, although a neighbour who worked in a hotel did used to bring home small bars of yellow 'ice cream'. A neighbour, Mrs Kidman, used to spend some of her sweet coupons on me and would give me turkish delight. At the end of the war, the first influx of sweets included 'wrapped soft-centered fruit sweets from Poland-an inch and a half long with pictures of fruits on the paper wrappers. At Easter my mother would make me an Easter egg. She would melt chocolate and pour it into two bakelite egg cups. I remember sitting by the radio, watching these set, placed in front of the radio. They would be stuck together when set. We would go to the clinic at the Methodist Church on Castle Street where we recived concentrated orange juice that you would mix with water. Clothing rationing, combined with low income meant that families were glad of second hand and refashioned garments and bedding. We were thrilled when the Red Cross gave my sister and me a cardigan each because our father was a solider, ( my mother recived a bedspread ). Our wardrobes were never full like they are now. Our blankets had to do for several years and would be passed from one generation to the next. Some of them were thin with no fluff left and often bore the utility mark. Overcoats would be piled on top of bedding to add extra warmth. Coal was rationed. We would awake to frosty fern patterns on the inside of the bedroom windows. When I was confined to the front bedroom for weeks with Scarlet Fever, I remember Miss Chandler bringing some of my class-mates to wave to me from the other side of the road. Mrs Fletcher, the milkmans wife, gave me some jelly- an unobtainable treat! All scraps of food like vegtable peelings were collected in the pigswill bins that were found at intervals along the kerb-side, ours was next to the telegraph pole outside 112 Oxford Road. As Uncle Bill kept his own pigs and chickens, scraps also went to them. I remember the smell of potato peelings boiling on the gas cooker and then they would be mashed into chicken food that looked and smelled like bran. My auntie would carry it to the allotments each afternoon in buckets. A well provided water and I warned to stay away from it. Horses and carts delivered milk, vegtables etc. The milk came in bottles with cardboard tops. If you pressed out the centre you had a ring on which to wind wool to make a pom-pom to decorate clothes or to play with. I remember watching the greengrocers horse eating from its nose-bag outside our house and then tossing its head to reach the remains at the bottom of the bag. Val Burroughs ( nee Toller ) Written by my aunt Joan Punter ( nee Toller )whilst attending Miss Winnie Chandler's infant school, Richmond Road Cambridge. c.1940's
Do you remember a red roofed school A handful of shell for your sums? They gave you a Mickey Mouse gas mask And a pack of American gum. Do you recall when your dad was on leave, Dancing around like Astair? They dressed you up like Shirly Temple With a big ribbon bow in your hair. At night sleeping under the table While bombers droned over your heads, And granny said "Won't it be lovely, when we can sleep safe in our beds", One day they said " The War's over!" Grannie sang of the Alley and 'Sal'. When Vera sang 'White Cliffs of Dover' And the bells rang 'for me and my gal'. Joan Toller This is the school that my grandmother (Connie Toller - nee Broom) went to as a child, with her older brother Russ Broom. It has now been converted into flats but there is a small modern school next door.
Cambridgeshire History Pages:
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Summerfield: House, Street & Area History, Newnham, Cambridge. Newnham Walls (Newnham, Cambridge) Church Rate Walk/Newnham Walk/Summerfield. Exciting Old Photograph Album History of Lammas Land, Newnham, Cambridge (Newnham Park) Brief History of Jesus Green, Cambridge Motorbike Girls, Oxford Road, Cambridge c.1928 Violet Broom & Marie Cruden Cambridge University Press Memories by Elizabeth Toller-Brown Teversham Recreation Ground Elton Community Archives Group St Neots Community Archives Group Soham Community Archives Group Cottenham Community Archives Group Stapleford Recreation Ground The Beechwoods Cambridge Guilden Morden Cambridge. Teaching & Artefacts Ely Cambridgeshire Community Archives Group Stilton Cambridgeshire Community Archives & History Cottenham Village Society Haddenham & Aldreth Blossoms & Bygones 1940s Event 2011 Wimpole Folly 1963 St Giles Cemetery, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge - grave of Ada Hatchman (nee Broom) 1955 Oxford Road, Cambridge Violet & Arthur Cruden Passport 1931 Cambridge George Cruden, Military Cambridge c.1940s Oxford Road Cambridge Family c.1935 1st Camb. Headquarters. Cambridge 1925 Rowing on the River Cam 1925 George Cruden, Russell Street, Cambridge The Wayman Family, Oxford Road, Cambridge George Cruden, Oxford Road, Cambridge Marie Cruden, sitting in back garden of house in Oxford Road, Cambridge Eaden Lilley of Cambridge adverts for household items c.1920's Cambridgeshire Transport Section ? WWI Cambridgeshire Transport Section WWI Cambridgeshire Transport Section WWI Arthur Cruden Oxford Road, Cambridge WWII? Room in Oxford Road, Cambridge. 1915-1925 Granny working at Chivers Fruit Farm & Pye Radio Cambridge National School, Russell Street, Cambridge c.1918 Russell Street, Cambridge and Pimple Face! The Globe Pub Cambridge and shoe money c.1915 Great Uncle Russ and the Balloon 1919 Lilly Langtree & Cambridge War Time Child in Cambridge. WWII Cadbury's Picnic Bar, Adkins Corner Heffers Cambridge Picnic by the River Cam, Newnham c.1984 Castle Hill, Cambridge 1984 The Half Moon Inn, Trumpington Street, Cambridge A Garden of Memories by George Cruden Cambridge War Time Letters - Oxford Road Cambridge War Time Letters Home Front Christmas WWII Cambridge Home Front War Letters 1945 WWII Home Front WWII Cambridge Family War Letters More Cambridge Home Front Letters - Vicarage Terrace WWII The War in Cambridge WWII Marie & George Cruden, The Backs of Cambridge Colleges 1941 Outings During the War - WWII Cambridge Memories of Richmond Road School in Cambridge Cambridge - WWII - Toys, Games & Occupations WWII - Food & Clothing - Cambridge Living with the Horrors of War - Cambridge WWII A Child's WWII Home Front Poem - Cambridge Toller Family Tree Notes - all over Cambs Home Front Letters. More WWII Bombing in Cambridge 1941 Home Front Letters WWII Bombing in Cambridge 1941 Tales from Cambridge Part 2 by Joan Punter (nee Toller) Tales from Cambridge Streets during and just after WWII Wall in a Tree, The Botanical Gardens, Cambridge, 2010 National School, Russell Street, Cambridge 2010 Clunch (Chalk) blocks in wall behind Hill's Road 2010 Russell Street & Cambridge Cattle Market voice recording oral history Punting on the River Cam, by Paradise Woods, Newnham. 2001 c.1988 - View from the Top of Great St Mary's Tower, Cambridge 1983 - Arthur Cruden, Cambridge City Bowls Club, Christ's Piece, Cambridge 1983 - Cambridge City Bowls Club, Morley Cup. c.1985 Marie Cruden, Campkin Road c.1975 - George & Marie Cruden Golden Wedding Anniversary, Campkin Road, Cambridge c. 1965 Visitor's Passport for Violet & Arthur Cruden, Oxford Road, Cambridge c.1975 George & Marie Cruden outside St John's Church Cambridge c. 1975 George Cruden, rear view of 146 Campkin Road, Arbury, Cambridge 25th Jan 1941 - George Cruden WWII Views from the building site for the Cambridge Grand Arcade, during the archaeological dig 2005 Archaeology Field Trip in the Fens, Stretham Pumping Engine, 2000. The Birds Nest at Chippenham Park Cambridge 1999 The Old Walled Garden Chippenham Park 1999 Violet Cruden - nee Westley, Histon, Cambridge 1928 Pet Show at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Arbury, Cambridge c.1979 George Cruden, Russell Street, Cambridge c.1918 Arthur Cruden, Bill Goodes & friends, Cambridge. 1910 - 1930 George H Cruden age 17 KRRC Cadets, Cambridge 1917 Elsie Cruden, lived at Russell Street Cambridge About & how to use:This is a blog page for the archives in my own collection. It includes many of my personal & family archives, tales and scrapbook items to all kinds of general archive items from Cambridgeshire UK. The Categories below are really the keyword index of what is on the Cambridgeshire History Pages. Each is a clickable link which will take you to an article or blog which contains that word or subject.